We were created to live in peace; to thrive in our relationships with God, self, one another and the physical world around us.

But when mankind entered into sin, chaos entered into our reality.

As followers of Jesus, we believe we have been given the Holy Spirit of God to dwell within us.  God’s Spirit is missional. From the very moment the Spirit came upon believers, believers were granted the power to influence the chaotic world around them (Acts 1v8).  

We believe that all true followers of Christ follow Christ into his mission.  

All followers of Christ are called to be missionaries.  

We are ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5v20)

We are priests (1 Peter 2v9)

We are given the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5v18)

We are commissioned to go and make disciples (Matthew 28v19)

And we are tasked with partnering with God to break down the gates of hell (Mathew 16v18)

We are a network of churches in Greenville, SC. 

We are committed to tapping into the creative direction and the unimaginable power of God’s Spirit to love the lost, poor, broken and oppressed.  We utilize this platform to help spur one another on in practical and effective ways of partnering with God to break down the lies, the gaps, the wounds and the chains that keep people from experiencing life to the fullest.  

Our aim is this:

1. To see people. 

Engaging Chaos is about helping one another see people who are hurting.  We believe all people were made in the precious image of God, but because of the chaos of this world people often lost their way.

We want to illuminate the darkness that often clouds the desperate reality of people’s lives.  We want to come alongside them to help understand the perceived and real sources of their pain.  

2. To hear the Spirit. 

The contributors to this site aren’t trying to replace the voice of God.  Rather, we are trying to help open and renew our minds to possibilities that can be brought before the Lord.  We expect God to tell His missionaries how, when, where and to whom his love is to be carried out.  

3. To go with God.

As God calls, he empowers us to fulfill his calling. 

He invites us into gritty, messy, adventurous, risky action that demands faith, hope and love. As much of the world is paralyzed in the face of chaos, we want to run into the chaos knowing that we are in lockstep with God.  

We recognize that to be most effective in partnership with God requires maturity; and maturity requires equipping. For this purpose, we have developed a training tool called Blueprint that helps people grow in their individual maturity. Check out Blueprint.

4. To unite.

Jesus didn’t start a movement of lone rangers.  He desires us to tap into the potential of a relational community (a “church”) so that we may act together as the body of Christ. 

The church is comprised of those who were once lost, poor, broken and oppressed; giving us a collective expertise in how to best see people, hear the Spirit, and go with God.