Love the City 3.23- Immediate Need…MET!

Hey Greenville!


Thanks to your overwhelming generosity, we have met this need! The funds will be delivered to the practice this week (along with lunch for all of the employees). We are humbled to see the generosity of towards such wonderful people on the front line!


As we consider many areas of needs right now due to the Coronavirus, we see three consistent people who need to be especially considered:

the sick

the medical professionals

and those who may lose their jobs in this state of the economy

We have an opportunity RIGHT NOW to help all three in one act of generosity.

There is a local pediatric doctor’s office in Greenville, SC, that is testing patients for Coronavirus as well as offering typical services for kids who have other medical needs. We have a pastor within our network that works within this office who has identified an immediate need; one that we can all jump in and help with.

Here’s the problem:

  • Because of the need for social distancing, the practice cannot operate indoors as usual. In order to rise to action to serve our city, they need to set up tents outside to be able to operate.

  • This situation has affected them financially. Like many others, they are having to consider how they can keep personnel on staff when limited funds are available. Adding this immediate expense of tent rentals is pulling funds away from their ability to support their staff. In typical times, more patients might mean more immediate income but this isn’t necessarily the case in the midst of the current crisis. And with the cancellation of well visits, new costs associated with limited supplies, etc., there are new levels of financial burdens.

  • If the practice can’t maintain their staff and isn’t able to keep operating outside under tents, sick people will not get the help they need. And, testing for coronavirus among the children in our city will be lessened.

We are working alongside the pediatric practice through our network and we want to rally to love the city by renting tents for the practice.

The cost will be $4500 for one month. We desire to act on this immediately in order to serve them and show our support.

You can give now by clicking here for Realm Giving (you will have to set-up an account if you are new) and choose “Coronavirus Support” on the pulldown menu. All contributions are tax deductible. We will update this site and close the account when the funds are raised.

We have a basic vetting process to evaluate the nature of the chaos and to ensure the way in which we engage it is both wise and beneficial. Any specific questions can be sent to

Let’s go!


24 Ways to Invite Small Children to Serve a World with a Pandemic


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