Engaging Chaos

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Support for Sonson

Those of you who have been engaging chaos alongside us for a while know about Sonson…a follower of Jesus in Haiti who has been on mission with Christ for some time.

Please consider donating to Sonson on Realm through the "Sonson" fund to raise money for the next year of his $250-per-month food stipends. To donate, click here.

Below you will find an update from Blake, one of the elders of Radius Greenville. He has provided us with a written message from Sonson, some photos (attached) which Sonson has sent us, and a 10-minute video update about Sonson:

Watch Blake’s update on Sonson here

The name of the mountain village that Sonson visited for the first time in March is Kajean. There are this is photo of some of the 15 people who heard the gospel and came to faith in Christ. Isaiah 52:7 says, "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'" Yes and amen!

Sonson wrote to us in early March about Kajean,

"It is for the first time [in a long time] i feel a great joy in me Blake.last saturday i left home with my friend pastor matheny.we went at KAJEAN,a free area with any knowledge about jesus.Blake in the same saturday there are about 15 people who accept the name of jesus. They said that they never heard before talking about Jesus.it is was very cold up there and the people are very kind.they ask us to comeback to talk with more people,this is what we are going to do next week.we are going to talk to more people because they are very thirsthy about that.this is some photos and videos that my friend made last week. I will very happy to go to meet them and new people also every saturday.i know that this little group will growing. Some of them gave us some satanic's stool that they are using for demons and we burn them."

A photo of Sonson's good friend who was murdered in gang violence on March 5. Sonson wrote to us the next day "They kill my dear friend last night." Say a prayer for this man's family, though we don't know his name. 

Roodley's friend who was kidnapped, ransomed, and murdered. Sonson wrote, "Hello Amaris how are you doing? we are sad because Roodley had a little friend,last week they kidnapped him and ask the parents to give 250 000 gourdes,his parents could not find the money,they kill him yesterday.that is hurt us sister."

Rodney, one of Sonson's disciples, who visited a church with Sonson in Demember, about which Sonson wrote, "Good afternoon Blake good afternoon Amaris how are you doing? I am very well brother and sister and i did try many times to message you but i could not do it because i was very high into the mountain from home.i was with my friend Rodney,he is one if my disciple also and we were there to visit and ancourage my dear people that i love so much. I did not to school because there is still making violence next to the school."


Finally, here is the message Sonson wrote to the radius family:

Hello brothers and sisters in Radius,how are you doing?i think that everything is doing good because of blood of jesus christ.
Brothers and sisters,let me tell you that you mean so much to me.without you my familly should be broke.in my country,because of the misery,7 familly on 10 are broken.many years ago,i was started to have some trouble in my familly,the parents of my wife wanted to broke my relation with my wife because i could not feed her and my children also.everyday,in the past they are feed my famillyvand this is the reason why they wanted to give my wife to another man.
The things are changing since the time that i met Blake and Amaris.when they leaved Haiti,i prayed the lord that he could keep this friendship between Blake,Amaris and I,and this what he doing.
Brothers and sisters,i love Blake so much and i love Amaris also.sometimes i could not understand their love for my familly,for me it is an impossible thing and sometimes after finishing to talk to Blake,i though that i dreamed.
Brothers and sisters,i have any words of thank you to say to you.you keep safe my dear familly.
Brothers and sisters,without you i would not be able to have my wife,i am happy to live with her and my 2 children that i love si much.they are very very preciuos for me.
Without you,i could be in jail,i would not be able to feed my familly,many of the young man are in jail in my country because the are borrow many from others people and they can not give it back.
Without you,my spirituality could be broke also.you helped me to have more faith in the lord.thank you.
I am messaging you with tears in my eyes because i see that without you brothers and sisters.....withouy you....without you.....oh no no without you everythin would be bad.
Brothers and sisters,with your gifts,my familly is feeding normally during 15 or 18 days,because days after days,it is getting impossible to living in Haiti.many of the products price are changing every days.spending 2000 good in a day and sometimes my dear brother Blake and Amaris tried to support me.
Brothers and sisters,when your country is small and misery,that is make many people sick all the times.my wife is anemic because many years ago she is suffered about food that is make her still anemic.when someone is anemic,this sickness can be treat when this person is eating well and drinking .my wife is doing better when we met you but sometimes she felt bad and need to comeback to the hospital.the last week,i spent manydays with her in the hospital.
In my country,everyone can do what he want.if someone is a sell man he can change the prices of his products and no one will not say nothing.
Brothers and sisters,we are very scare about the covid19.the government say that he has bed for only 150 people.guest what could happen if the covid19 are start to spread in my country.one of them are saying that in the future month the covid will kill 1500 people everyday in haiti.
I am not scare about me because i know that me and my familly are under the control of the lord but i am scare about my familly eventhoug my familly is hiding also.
Brothers and sisters,do you remember the great declaration of the 3 hebrews that they are talking in the bible in front of the nebucadneza's king?God will save them and even if God will not save them into the fire,they would not adore anyone than the lord.
Brothers and sisters,me and my familly will not be die,even if we are dying,we will dying with the woship of the lords in our tongues.
I will see you soon,hope that.i will see you somewhere in a beautifull place,built with the hands of the lord.
Brothers and sisters in Radius,it is time to not discourage,it is our time.when you see tribulation,war and others trouble,you must know that the lord will cover you with more grace
Even if i die in the future days about the covid19,i will only go before you in our eternal place.keep fighting the good combat of the faith.the great master will pay you soon.believe that brothers and sisters in Revelation 21:3,4 this is a great promissed.
Jesus says that he went to prepared a place for us and he says in the declaration,IF IT IS NOT TRUE,i will not tell you that.what a good promised from a truth man.
Brothers and sisters me and my familly are thanks so much because witbout you i could not send mh 2 children to school.thank you thank you so much.i love i love i love you so much.
Radius is mean love.i find love from you.eventhough the world is without love but there is a little place in the world that they built love for people,in Radius.
This month with your gift i will try to buy hands sanitizers,alcools,masks for faces glooves,much pure water and i would like to buy a car's battry also because we are living in one room,the room is very hot and i need that my familly could stay inside.there is no electricity and time is to emergency.i would like to buy a battry,a little panel of solar juste to have the electricity and a little fan juste because of the hotter.it is very hot to keep them inside.
Maybe i will ne 10000 gourdes for the battry,6 000 gourdes for the small panel and 5000 gourdes for the fan.
Thisvis what i am praying for ,my familly is so precious for me.
Brothers and sisters,thank you so much and the lord will keep you under his mighty wings.
Keep in faith,jesus is love you.i love you so much also.
May the lord keep blessing you evenghough i not stop praying for you.
Love you from your dear brother from Haiti 
Sonson gena and his familly

Please consider donating to Sonson on Realm through the "Sonson" fund to raise money for the next year of his $250-per-month food stipends. To donate, click here.