A Specific Call to Honor

UPDATE: Yesterday (4/4) we passed the large PDF file with all of your amazing gratitude and honor off the the person who will be ensuring that she receives it. Be praying that the Lord blesses her and overwhelms her with His grace as she reads your precious letters and sees your drawings. Speaking of drawings, here’s a taste of what we sent!

Scripture compels us to honor everyone (1 Peter 2v17).

In order to honor everyone, we each have to start with someone.

To honor is to show respect or admiration. Right now, there are heroes on the front line of this battle who are serving people in in the medical field around the clock. If you see ANY opportunity to show honor to these wonderful servants, go for it!

We’ve always enjoyed it we when get a chance to join a BUNCH of people together to overwhelm ONE person with multiple acts of love and honor (formerly referred to as “love bombs”). This kind of organized, aimed love has a powerful effect. It not only communicates love, but it displays unity…and in a time when people are struggling to get along, knowing that a lot of people united to serve one person can be a beautiful thing.

Here’s a specific person that we have in mind…

Local to Greenville, we have a particular person in our city that we’d like to honor for her role in engaging chaos. Her name is Dr. Sarah Farris. In the last few days, while working as an ER doctor during this unbelievable time of crisis, she managed to create (along with her husband), a device called a VESper. This device basically divides a single ventilator to be able to serve up to four patients. In summary, this means lives saved around the world! You can read more about the invention here.

Her decision to release this invention selflessly and immediately is the stuff engaging chaos is all about. She could have done this many ways that would have profited herself; but she chose to honor other doctors, hospitals and ultimately the sick above herself by getting this invention out immediately. She is still working in the ER in the middle of this battle, so we feel that a little encouragement right now might go a long way to inspire her to keep in the fight.

Let’s load up Dr. Sarah Farris with honor!

Here’s the plan for those of you who want to join in-

Write or draw something that shows your gratitude and honor towards Dr. Sarah Farris. It can be any of the following:

  • A typed, digital letter with encouragement, gratitude, etc. Imagine being in her position…what would you want to hear that would spur you on? If you are a follower of Jesus, feel free to include verses from Scripture, a proclamation of the Gospel, a story, or anything that would inspire her to press on. You can even write out a simple prayer to God for her to read. Send it to covidsupport@radiusgreenville.org by midnight Thursday 4/2.

  • A handwritten letter that could contain any of the above. When you are finished, either scan it or take a picture of it. Send it to covidsupport@radiusgreenville.org by midnight Thursday, 4/2.

  • Artwork, drawings, etc.! You and/or your kids can draw an inspiring picture for Dr. Sarah Farris. Just scan it or take a picture of it and send it to covidsupport@radiusgreenville.org by midnight Thursday, 4/2.

We only want digital letters/drawings because, as an ER doctor, we don’t want to run the risk of germs being transmitted via paper. You can include your name or leave it anonymous. Everything will be compiled on Friday, 4/3, and put together on a common digital format for her to enjoy. There is a medical professional in our network who will ensure Dr. Sarah Farris gets this.

Ok…let’s go! Rally your family…your community…your neighbors…this city. Send it all to covidsupport@radiusgreenville.org as soon as you can so we start this project!

Let’s show some love, support and honor for Dr. Sarah Farris!


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